Tuesday, August 31, 2010

How I always want the impossible...

This story - and when I say story I mean a factual account of something that happened to me that someone with an equally dry sense of humor as myself will find funny - starts in the same way that many many many of my stories start: "So I met this girl..."

Anyway, so I met this girl the other day. I had no idea who she was. I had never met her before in my life. She had a beautiful smile, petite cute figure, and later I learned has so many things in common with me it's mind boggling. And she likes hanging out with me, too!

Sounds good, right? Not so much.

I met her when my mom stopped by the studio to drop off some food. Of course, this cute girl was on tow. I didn't know they were together and thought she was a prospective walk-in student... Until mom opened her mouth.

"____, this is your second cousin _____."

So yeah. The cosmos is laughing at me right about now.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Also, if anyone has a second opinion...

Last night before I tried to sleep I drank what amounts to about 2 glasses of wine in order to facilitate sleep. This worked, as I expected, so I plan to do this regularly on a nightly basis. I am aware that I probably have 0 readers, but if anyone does read this and has any comments about wine as a sleep aid as a detriment or a benefit please feel free to leave a comment. I do check them.

Also, do not mention any medications I should use in place of wine. I avoid medicines of any kind when possible - I don;t even take cough medicine on the rare occassion that I am sick.

Good Morning... Please?

So here's a little bit about the building I call home. First of all, I still live with my mom, and neither of us have the best of luck. We're poor, work all the time, she needs an operation, I need to finish school (starting again in January), etc, etc, blah blah blah. The point of the explanation being that we don;t have a whole lot of things to be positive about. I'm not a huge optimist, but damn - I have never seen anyone so full of negativity as my mom. I wake up and the first thing I say is good morning. The first thin she says to me is, "I asked you to pick up dishsoap, don't you do anything around here? You're helpless. What do you even do? I don't know what you do. Don't talk to me right now."

Please keep I mind that I do pay half of the house bills on time, plus get my own food for lunch at work, and keep may car full of gas while trying to put cash in a savings acount to I can pay for the schooling that federal funding won't cover.

Anyhow, I know times are shit, I know she needs help with the housework. I know I can do better to help her with all that. But is a "Good morning," such a huge thing to ask for to hear in the morning? She wouldn't even have to mean it, just don't yell at me when I haven;t been awake more than 5 minutes.

There's my whiney rant.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


If there is one thing I have noticed since starting my job as a ballroom instructor, it's that people - and when I say people I mean humans in general - are disgusting. Before having to be in physical contact with people so constantly I was rather distant. I didn't hug, I didn't enjoy shaking hands without hand sanitized, and I generally sat with a generous amount if distance between the other person and myself. It wasn't that I was avoiding contact, I was just relatively untouchy. I had no knowledge of how unappealing physical contact could be. I was aware my job would require contact a large amount of the time I got used to it, but I also began to notice things. People do not smell very good. Laundry detegent smells good. Perfume/cologn smells good. Body spray and soap smell good. People do not. The smell that people have that I have begun to notice is best described as like warm sweat mixed with butter. It's as unpleasant as it sounds. Then there's the issue of breath. Some people are courteous enough to brush their teeth or chew gum tight before their lesson, but when they don't the default smell of breath is similar to a sour soup smell wafting at you. Lastly, there is the tactile aspect. This is rarely not a problem. Some people are nice and dry. Most of the time though, I have the displeasure of contact with someone who is slimy or just plain wet. Dance position for a man had one hand clasping the female's and the other on her shoulder blade. Hand sweat is to be expected and is never pleasant. The shoulder blade, however is usually slimy if uncovered and quite unpleasant. Worst of all are those who seat through their clothing. Touching them makes my skin crawl. People are disgusting...

Monday, August 23, 2010

Anyone ever think about how "blog" sounds like some one vomitting?

I never actually thought I would buy into the whole blog thing. I mean, I heard about these on the news years ago and I just wondered to myself "What's the point?". Well, now that I have one I still don't have the answer. Had I more time, I might think of something to write. But seeing as I am still wiping the sleep crust out of my eyes and have yet to have breakfast before I head off to the dance studio, I will leave you with a thought I had yesterday after watching a lot of YouTubed Richard Dawkins.

I think the most important thing about being a scientist - a true scientist - that no one thinks about is the ability to rethink things. Unlimited mental plasticity. Once a scientist clings to a theory or old scientific "fact" proven wrong, they cease to be a benefit to scientific progress.