So here's a little bit about the building I call home. First of all, I still live with my mom, and neither of us have the best of luck. We're poor, work all the time, she needs an operation, I need to finish school (starting again in January), etc, etc, blah blah blah. The point of the explanation being that we don;t have a whole lot of things to be positive about. I'm not a huge optimist, but damn - I have never seen anyone so full of negativity as my mom. I wake up and the first thing I say is good morning. The first thin she says to me is, "I asked you to pick up dishsoap, don't you do anything around here? You're helpless. What do you even do? I don't know what you do. Don't talk to me right now."
Please keep I mind that I do pay half of the house bills on time, plus get my own food for lunch at work, and keep may car full of gas while trying to put cash in a savings acount to I can pay for the schooling that federal funding won't cover.
Anyhow, I know times are shit, I know she needs help with the housework. I know I can do better to help her with all that. But is a "Good morning," such a huge thing to ask for to hear in the morning? She wouldn't even have to mean it, just don't yell at me when I haven;t been awake more than 5 minutes.
There's my whiney rant.
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